Adult [21+]; She/Ros/🥀

  • Gender: Girlboy Twink, Futch, Omen

  • Orientation: Loquirose, Omnigay, NBLM

  • Plurality: Original SoulBond; Co-Host

  • Alterhumanity: Imagithrope; Solderiyn

  • Focused Worlds: LobCorp/Ruina/Limbus

multicanon soulbond who gains memories through roleplay and discussion. i'm a co-host and i spend about ~60% of the time in front. i talk about my experiences in other worlds frequently. chronic romantic who falls in love at least 5 times a month. i like making friends.

sylph of hope. capririus. derse dreamer. 4w5. sx/so. sluai. sanmel. pE3. r3CS.

archetypes: homunculus, seeker, catalyst, hero(ine)
tropes: good isn't soft, defiant to the end, won't be a victim, dimension traveler, really 700 years old, heroes prefer swords, final girl, fiery redhead



We are radical inclusionists. Exclusionists will not be tolerated whatsoever.Our alterhumanity is a major part of our identities. It is not a delusion or a hobby. Do not treat it as such.If you spend most of your time talking about or causing drama, we likely won't interact.


  • sysmeds / anti-endo

  • anti-kin / kinmedicalists

  • radfems / exclusionists

  • anti-kink in any capacity

  • anti-body modification

We won't interact with the above, and we expect the same respect.


Mirror identities and other alternate selves. I can view into their worlds, but only as much as they'll allow me to see. They can also front, so it's sort of a median situation? Only one of them branches off from this timeline.


Demian (NCorp)

  • Demian died early; therefore, I took his place.

  • Follows the plot of the original book more closely; the "key" is taken from Kromer before she can use it.

  • Sinclair was more closely guided as a result.

  • Pays close attention to my timeline and the others I can view.


The Red Gaze (Color Fixers)

  • Doesn't communicate very much, not wanting to reveal anything I shouldn't know.

  • Roland was Gonzo, one of our sysmates and an employee at LCorp.

  • Still works with Limbus, but won't say why.

  • Stares disapprovingly at this timeline sometimes.

Tingtang Gangster (Backstreets)

  • Gangster working directly under Hong Lu. In lovelove with him. <3

  • Secretly fostering a Romeo and Juliet crush on Sinclair, and thus trying to organize an alliance.

  • Very cruel compared to other Spierces for some reason??

Dimension Shredder (WCorp)

  • Has been stuck on a WARP train for millions of years, and has thus become a manifestation of the Abnormality Stray Passenger.

  • She, alongside Hong Lu and their de facto leader, Yi Sang, protect the train as their "home".

  • Other WCorp cleaners who tried to reconstruct them were either reduced to flesh or transformed into Abnormalities as well, taking out even the Hana Association.

  • The City might be in shambles, but they can't tell, because they're not leaving the train. <:)

RCorp 4th Pack (RCorp)

  • Developed the ability to pass her own injuries onto anyone sharing a single trait, in order to immediately stop the clone wars.

  • She uses this to save Heathcliff, and in turn ends up clipping RCorp as she tries to save the other Sinners from its cruelty.

  • Doesn't communicate much, other than with the urge to gnaw on her own arm.


Sparkling Bird (Death Note)

  • Switched places with Light. Story played out the same otherwise, with Light as a universe hopper.

L's First Successor (Death Note)

  • She didn't commit suicide; thereforea she and BB took Near and Mello's places investigating Kira.

  • BB died in Mello's place, and A gave Kira an ultimatuum: win by strangling her to death, or stop playing. It eventually chose to stop.

Eye of Ki/Ra (Death Note)

  • Created to be Kira's eyes, being born with Shinigami eyes. Thus, she lived with Light her whole life, centering her life around him.

  • Became the second half of Kira and kept Light from going off the rails.

  • She confesses in two different timelines: one in fear of him going too far after Higuchi's death, and another after cracking during isolation.

Ray Bradbury (BSD)

  • A timeline created via the Book, Ray's the only one who doesn't look like me at all!

  • He lived a normal life until awakening to his ability, Kaleidoscope, when he was an adult.

  • Kaleidoscope is actually 41 abilities. Oops!

  • He's targeted by the Port Mafia and also scouted by the ADA, but he eventually runs into Fyodor and the DOA, joining them instead.

  • Seeing the cruelty Fukuichi is planning to enact, Ray sabotages the DOA's plans from the inside, stealing the Page before it can be used.

Port Mafia Executive (BSD)

  • Branch from the main timeline; went back to the Port Mafia to save Oda, and therefore created a... strange variant of the BEAST timeline.

  • She specifically brought Atsushi to the ADA to keep him from being captured by Dazai.

  • Uses Hell Screen (ironically enough) to pretend that her ability ensures the enemy's bloody demise, so long as they continue to attack her after they've been burned by her.

  • For some reason she and Dazai end up going to the City and OVERTHROWING THE HEAD??

  • Has some complex feelings about her own cruelty, but Dazai is sweet to her, so she doesn't feel as awful as she could.


Soulbond Code:

N+ G(bA^ sM+&/F+/A+/I+/N+) O.cRf(Multisource) eAa&+/Afa&/Va&+/Vfa& Sp.H+/H^+/Hm(Gem, Troll)/S/Su(God)/Sh(H^&Hm) i+++ SI+++ R++ S++ A+ W++

WIP i dunno what we're gonna put here yet